For too long, the future just wasn’t what it used to be… After the initial breakthroughs in space travel and exploration, we seemed to stall – the promise was broken, the way was lost – our generation would never live to see Mankind reach out into the Cosmos.
But today, the Future is back. Breakthrough technology and visionary commitment have delivered a new Space Age and with it the revolutionary potential to become a truly multi-planetary civilisation.
Even as we face massive challenges, our time opens up unparalleled opportunities. Space 2.0 will be driven by private enterprise – fast, agile, visionary and assertive – reaching out is not a option, it is an imperative.
SpaceCommerce is the future – here and now.
Futures Past
National space programmes stalled. Inter-planetary exploration was postponed for decades.
There were cost blow outs and cut backs.
It was all too hard – beyond the grasp of this generation.
The Future wasn’t what it used to be.
A citizens’ revolution is underway. Space has become the domain of individuals. No longer the exclusive realm of governments, private enterprise can now build its own satellites and launch its own rockets.
Mars is no longer a distant dream for our grandchildren. We will be there within the decade.
Investment and Funding
Space will no longer be the unique domain of superpowers and national monolithic institutions.
Now private enterprise can participate and take the lead.
Advances in technology (such as cheaper materials and reusability) are making space travel accessible and economically viable.
It isn’t called “space” for nothing – there are limitless horizons and entire new worlds to conquer.
As Earth heads towards 10 billion people, expansion is not an option, it is imperative.
The conception is mind-altering. The execution will be epic. Nothing less than a total rethink as we become a “multi-planetary species”.
What if “rare earth metals” actually became “abundant space metals”? What if space could become a limitless mine for all of our commodity needs ?
USC was established in 2016 to meet the challenges facing private enterprise in the new Space Economy.
Our aim is to be the critical focal point for aspects of Space Commerce – technology, management, finance and leadership.
USC staff have created a new aerospace division within a major insurer.
We have managed the commercial operations of a major project to create a world-first commercial service in the aerospace sector.
We have also worked globally to develop and implement strategies to grow businesses. We have helped those businesses to penetrate international markets, and we have helped them to obtain funding from private sector investors and from governments.